List of Courses offered at Kenya Utalii College
The Kenya Utalii College (KUC) list of courses/programmes Offered Undergraduate, Diploma and Certificate, Masters, PhD courses as listed below.
All candidates that have an interest in studying in the college are to take note is these courses:
Here is a list of courses or programmes offered at Kenya Utalii College
List of Courses/Programmes Offered at Kenya Utalii College (KUC)
Degree Courses
1. Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management
2. Bachelor of Arts in Travel and Tourism Management
Diploma Courses
• Hotel Management
• Travel & Tourism Management
Certificate Courses
• Travel Operations
• Tour guiding & administration
• Food production
• Front office operations
• Food & Beverage Sales and Service
• Housekeeping and Laundry
Short Courses
• Housekeeping and Laundry Techniques
• Laundry and Dry Cleaning Technology
Kenya Utalii College Application Forms
You can download Kenya Utalii College Application Forms on the college website – Kenya Utalii College
Kenya Utalii College Admission Requirements
Kenya Utalii College Admission Requirements varies depending on the course you want to apply.
Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management
Kenya Utalii College in collaboration with University of Nairobi (Faculty of Arts) invites applications for admission to the Module II programmes listed below:
1. Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management
2. Bachelor of Arts in Travel and Tourism Management
Minimum Admission Requirements
• K.C.S.E. with a C+ or equivalent
• K.C.S.E. with a C plain or equivalent Plus a Diploma or equivalent from a recognized post-secondary institution.
• K.C.S.E./E.A.C.E Div. III/ Ordinary GCE or equivalent Plus a Diploma or equivalent from a recognized post-secondary institution.
• C.E. or E.A.A.C.E/ Advanced GCE Certificate with one principal pass Plus a Diploma or equivalent from a recognized post-secondary institution.
• C.E. or E.A.A.C.E. certificate with two principal passes or equivalent.
• International Baccalaureate Diploma
• A degree from a recognized University or equivalent.
Hotel Management
Three-year Diploma course offering specialized International Standard Training in Hotel Management.
o Aggregate: C Plain
In addition, the indicated minimum grades in the following subjects:
o English C+ and Mathematics / Business Studies C- or any other equivalent qualification or KUC graduates of the 1½ or 2 year certificate (Hotel related) courses may apply provided they passed with Distinction or Credit.
o Age: 18-30 years
o A foreign Language is an added advantage
International Students:
o Aggregate: GCE, IGCE, IB, Other internationally recognized certificates.
o At least one principal pass at Advanced Level. 2nd Division at “O” Level, or equivalent with good credits in both English Language and Mathematics
o Age: 18-30 years
o A foreign Language is an added advantage
Travel & Tourism Management
Three-year Diploma course offering specialized training in overall management of Travel and Tour Enterprises.
• Aggregate: C Plain
• In addition, the indicated minimum grades in the following subjects:
• English C+ and Mathematics/ Geography C- or any other equivalent qualification or KUC graduates of the 11/2 or 2 year certificate (Tourism Related) courses may apply provided they passed with Distinction or Credit.
• Age: 18-30 years
• A foreign Language is an added advantage
International Students:
• Aggregate: GCE, IGCE, IB, Other internationally recognized certificates.
• At least one principal pass at Advanced Level. 2nd Division at “O” Level, or equivalent with good credits in both English Language and Mathematics
• Age: 18-30 years
Certificate Courses
Admission Requirement
- Travel Operations C-(Minus) in KSCE plus C- in English & D+ in Mathematics/Geography or equivalent
- Tour guiding & administration C- (Minus) in KSCE plus C- in English & D+ in Mathematics/Geography or equivalent
- Food production C- (Minus) in KSCE plus C- in English & D+ in Mathematics/or equivalent
- Food production apprentiship D+ in KSCE with C- in English and D plain in Mathematics
Must be cooks at least for 2 years with nomination forms
- Front office operations C- (Minus) in KSCE plus C- in English & D+ in Mathematics/or equivalent
- Food & Beverage Sales and Service C-(Minus) in KSCE plus C- in English
- Housekeeping and Laundry C-(Minus) in KSCE plus C- in English