List of Courses offered at Kisumu Polytechnic

List of Courses offered at Kisumu Polytechnic

The Kisumu Polytechnic (Kisumu Poly) list of courses/programmes Offered Undergraduate, Diploma and Certificate, Masters, PhD courses as listed below.

All candidates that have an interest in studying in the college are to take note is these courses:

Here is a list of courses or programmes offered at Kisumu Polytechnic


List of Courses/Programmes Offered at Kisumu Polytechnic (Kisumu Poly)

1.0 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
1.1.1 Electrical & Electronic Technology (Power Option) module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
1.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
1.2.1 Electrical & Electronic Technology Module I & II KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
1.2.2 Telecommunication Engineering Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
2.0 Mechanical Engineering
2.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
2.1.1 Mechanical Engineering (Plant Option) TEP KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. January & May (regular) KNEC
2.1.2 Mechanical Engineering (Production Option) module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January only (regular) KNEC
2.1.3 Automotive Engineering Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January only (regular KNEC
2.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
2.2.1 Mechanical Engineering (Production Option) Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English September Intake only KNEC
2.2.2 Marine Engineering Module I, II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English January & September KNEC
2.2.3 Motor Vehicle Mechanics Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English January/September KNEC
3.0 Building and Civil Engineering
3.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
3.1.1 Building Technology Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
131.2 Civil Engineering (TEP) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
3.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
3.2.1 Masonry KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English. May Intake Only KNEC
3.2.2 Plumbing (TEP) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English. May Intake Only KNEC
3.2.3 Road Construction KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English. May Intake Only KNEC
4.0 Applied Sciences
4.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
4.1.1 Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences KCSE mean grade C (Plain). C (Plain) in Biology/Chemistry, English/Kiswahili. C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics 3 Years January/May KNEC & KMLTTB
4.1.2 Analytical Chemistry (TEP) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Chemistry Maths/Physics. January & May (regular) KNEC
4.1.3 Applied Biology (TEP) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Biology, Maths/Physics/Chemistry January & May (regular) KNEC
4.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
4.2.1 Science Laboratory Technology (TEP) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in English/Kiswahili, Maths, Physics, Chemistry/Biology May Intake Only KNEC
4.2.2 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Sciences KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Biology/Chemistry, English/Kiswahili. D+ (Plus) in Maths/Physics 2 years May intake only KNEC & KMLTTB
5.0 Institutional Management
5.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
5.1.1 Food and Beverages Management module I only (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade of C- (Minus) January only (regular) KNEC
5.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
5.2.1 Food and Beverage Production, Sales & Service (TIVET) Module I only. KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus) September Intake only KNEC
6.0 Mathematics and Computer Stuies
6.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
6.1.1 Computer Science Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths, Physics & English. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January Intake Only KNEC
6.1.2 Diploma Information Communication Technology Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
6.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
6.2.1 Certificate in Information Communication Technology Module I, II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus) Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.0 Business Studies
7.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
7.1.1 Accountancy (B-TEP) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. January & May (regular) KNEC
7.1.2 Business Management Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.1.3 Sales and Marketing Module I, II & III (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.1.4 Supply Chain Management Module I, II & III (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.1.5 Secretarial Studies Module I,II & II (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
7.1.6 Human Resource Management Module I, II & III (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
7.2.1 Business Management Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.2 Sales and Marketing Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.3 Human Resource Management Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain) January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.4 Transport Management Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.5 Secretarial Studies Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.6 Supply Chain Management Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.7 Business Education Single and Group Stage I, II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. Jan/May/Sept. KNEC
8.0 Liberal Studies
8.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
8.1.1 Social Work and Community Development Module I,II & III KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II. KNEC Diploma II for Diploma III January/September (regular) May intake (Part Time) (Evening & Weekends) KNEC
8.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
3.7 Craft Social Community Development KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus) May intake only KNEC
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Kisumu Polytechnic Courses

1. Diploma in Automotive Engineering (TVET) (KNEC)
2. Diploma in Petroleum geoscience (TVET) (KNEC)
3. Diploma in Mechanical engineering construction plant option (TVET) (KNEC)
4. Craft in automotive technology (TVET) (KNEC)
5. Artisan Craft in Motor vehicle mechanics -(TEP)(KNEC)
6. Diploma in Diploma in Civil Engineering (KNEC)
7. Diploma in Diploma in Building Technology (KNEC)
8. Diploma in Diploma in Architecture (KNEC)
9. Craft in Building Technology(KNEC)
10. Craft in roads construction (KNEC)

11. Diploma in Diploma In Electrical And Electronics Engineering(Power Option) (KNEC)
12. Diploma in Diploma In Electrical And Electronics Engineering(Telecommunication Option) (KNEC)
13. Diploma in Diploma In Electrical And Electronics Engineering(Instrumentation Option) (KNEC)
14. Craft in Craft In Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Power Option) (KNEC)
15. Craft in Craft In Electrical And Electronics Engineering(Telecommunication Option) (KNEC)
16. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering –production (KNEC)
17. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering – plant (KNEC)
18. Craft in Mechanical Engineering – Craft (KNEC)
19. Craft in Mechanical Engineering- Marine (KNEC)

20. Craft (NIVTC) in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (KNEC)
21. Craft(NIVTC) in Metal Processes (KNEC)
22. Craft in Boiler Operation (NITA)
23. Craft in Plant Operation (NITA)
24 Craft in Information Communication Technology (KNEC)
25. Diploma in Diploma in Information Communication Technology (KNEC)
26. Diploma in Computer Studies (KNEC)
27.Trade Test in CCNA (CISCO)
28. Diploma in Food and Beverage Management (KNEC)

29. Craft in Craft in Food and Beverage Management (KNEC)
30.Diploma in House Keeping & Laundry (KNEC)
31. Diploma in Catering & Accommodation (KNEC)
32. Craft in Bread Making (KNEC)
33. Craft in Food Preparation (City and Guilds)
34. Diploma in Pastry Technology (City and Guilds)
35. Diploma in Applied Biology (KNEC)
36. Diploma in Analytical chemistry (KNEC)
37. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (KNEC), (KMLTTB)

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38. Diploma in Pharmacy (KNEC)
39. Craft in Medical Laboratory Technology (KNEC)
40. Craft in Science Laboratory (KNEC)
41. Diploma in Environmental Science (KNEC)
42. Craft in Huma Resource Management (KNEC)
43. Craft in Secretarial Studies (KNEC)
44. Craft in Sales and Marketing (KNEC)
45. Craft in Business Management (KNEC)
46. Craft in Supply Chain Management (KNEC)
47. Craft in Tour Guide & Travel Operations (KNEC)
48. Diploma in Human Resource Management (KNEC)
49. Diploma in Secretarial Studies (KNEC)

50. Diploma in Sales & Marketing (KNEC)
51. Diploma in Business Management (KNEC)
52. Diploma in Supply Chain Management (KNEC)
53. Diploma in Tour guide & travel Operations (KNEC)
54. Diploma in Road & Transport Management (KNEC)
55. Higher Diploma in Huma Resource Management (KNEC)
56. Higher Diploma in Secretarial Management (KNEC)
57. Professional in Certified Public Accountants (KASNEB)
58. Diploma in Accounting Technician (KASNEB)

59. Diploma in Diploma in Credit Management (KASNEB)
60. Craft in Credit Management (KASNEB)
61. Diploma in Project Management (KNEC)
62. Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development (KNEC)
63. H/Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development (KNEC)

64. Diploma in Cooperative Management (KNEC)
65. Craft in Social work (KNEC)
66. Diploma in Social Work & Community Development (KNEC)
67. Diploma in Library & Information Science (KNEC)
68. Diploma in Counselling (HIV & AIDS) (KNEC)
69. Diploma in Counselling (Drug Dependency and Substance Abuse ) (KNEC) For a maximum of 40 Trainees


Kisumu Polytechnic Admission Requirements

Kisumu Polytechnic Admission Requirements vary depending on the course you want to apply.
Take a look at Kisumu Polytechnic Admission Requirements and find one that meets your needs.



1.0 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
1.1.1 Electrical & Electronic Technology (Power Option) module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
1.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
1.2.1 Electrical & Electronic Technology Module I & II KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
1.2.2 Telecommunication Engineering Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
2.0 Mechanical Engineering
2.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
2.1.1 Mechanical Engineering (Plant Option) TEP KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. January & May (regular) KNEC
2.1.2 Mechanical Engineering (Production Option) module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January only (regular) KNEC
2.1.3 Automotive Engineering Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January only (regular KNEC
2.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
2.2.1 Mechanical Engineering (Production Option) Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English September Intake only KNEC
2.2.2 Marine Engineering Module I, II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English January & September KNEC
2.2.3 Motor Vehicle Mechanics Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English January/September KNEC
3.0 Building and Civil Engineering
3.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
3.1.1 Building Technology Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
131.2 Civil Engineering (TEP) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics. KNEC January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
3.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
3.2.1 Masonry KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English. May Intake Only KNEC
3.2.2 Plumbing (TEP) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English. May Intake Only KNEC
3.2.3 Road Construction KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in Maths, Physics & English. May Intake Only KNEC
4.0 Applied Sciences
4.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
4.1.1 Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences KCSE mean grade C (Plain). C (Plain) in Biology/Chemistry, English/Kiswahili. C- (Minus) in Maths/Physics 3 Years January/May KNEC & KMLTTB
4.1.2 Analytical Chemistry (TEP) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Chemistry Maths/Physics. January & May (regular) KNEC
4.1.3 Applied Biology (TEP) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Biology, Maths/Physics/Chemistry January & May (regular) KNEC
4.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
4.2.1 Science Laboratory Technology (TEP) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus). D (Plain) in English/Kiswahili, Maths, Physics, Chemistry/Biology May Intake Only KNEC
4.2.2 Certificate in Medical Laboratory Sciences KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Biology/Chemistry, English/Kiswahili. D+ (Plus) in Maths/Physics 2 years May intake only KNEC & KMLTTB
5.0 Institutional Management
5.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
5.1.1 Food and Beverages Management module I only (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade of C- (Minus) January only (regular) KNEC
5.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
5.2.1 Food and Beverage Production, Sales & Service (TIVET) Module I only. KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus) September Intake only KNEC
6.0 Mathematics and Computer Stuies
6.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
6.1.1 Computer Science Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). C- (Minus) in Maths, Physics & English. KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January Intake Only KNEC
6.1.2 Diploma Information Communication Technology Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
6.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
6.2.1 Certificate in Information Communication Technology Module I, II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus) Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.0 Business Studies
7.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
7.1.1 Accountancy (B-TEP) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. January & May (regular) KNEC
7.1.2 Business Management Module I,II & III (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.1.3 Sales and Marketing Module I, II & III (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.1.4 Supply Chain Management Module I, II & III (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.1.5 Secretarial Studies Module I,II & II (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. January (regular) September- Part Time KNEC
7.1.6 Human Resource Management Module I, II & III (TIVET) KCSE Mean Grade C- (Minus). OR a relevant KNEC Craft Certificate. Jan & Sept. (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
7.2.1 Business Management Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.2 Sales and Marketing Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.3 Human Resource Management Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain) January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.4 Transport Management Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.5 Secretarial Studies Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.6 Supply Chain Management Module I & II (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. January/September (Regular) May (Part time) KNEC
7.2.7 Business Education Single and Group Stage I, II & III (TIVET) KCSE mean grade D (Plain). D (Plain) in Maths & English. Jan/May/Sept. KNEC
8.0 Liberal Studies
8.1 Diploma Courses (9 terms with Attachment)
Code Course title Minimum requirement Admission time Exam body
8.1.1 Social Work and Community Development Module I,II & III KCSE mean grade C- (Minus). KNEC Craft Certificate for Module II. KNEC Diploma II for Diploma III January/September (regular) May intake (Part Time) (Evening & Weekends) KNEC
8.2 Craft Courses (7 terms with Attachment)
3.7 Craft Social Community Development KCSE mean grade D+ (Plus) May intake only KNEC
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