List of Courses offered at Times Training College
The Times Training College (TTC) list of courses/programmes Offered Undergraduate, Diploma and Certificate, Masters, PhD courses as listed below.
All candidates that have an interest in studying in the college are to take note is these courses:
Here is a list of courses or programmes offered at Times Training College
List of Courses/Programmes Offered at Times Training College (TTC)
Accounting courses offered:
Accounting Technician Diploma: ATD– level I, II & III
Entry requirements: mean grade of C- in kcse exam
Certified Public Accountant: (CPA) part 1 (sec 1 & 2), part 2 (sec 3 & 4) & part 3 (sec 5 & 6)
Entry requirements: Overall mean grade of c+ (with c+ in english and mathematics) in kcse. Or Pass in atc level ii or Kenya advanced cerificate of education (with at least two principal passes provided the applicant has credits in mathematics and english, at kce level. Or A degree from a recognised university. Or
Such other certificates or diplomas as may be approved by kasneb.
Procurement and Supply Courses:
Certified Procurement and Supply Professional (CPSP)
Associate in Procurement and Supply (APS)
We assist potential students to register with the examinations board
In-house accountancy & management
Certified Secretaries (CS)
We assist potential students to register with the examinations board
ICT Courses offered:
• Computerised Accounting (10 Packages)
1. Introduction to computers,
2. Microsoft Windows,
3. Microsoft Word,
4. Microsoft Excel,
5. Microsoft Powerpoint,
6. Microsoft Access,
7. Quickbooks/SAGE/Pastel -choose one
8. Speed Typing,
9. Internet & E-mail,
10. Scanning
• Computerised Secretary (10 Packages)
1. Introduction to computers, 2. Microsoft Windows, 3. Microsoft Word, 4. Microsoft Excel,
5. Microsoft Powerpoint, 6. Microsoft Access, 7. Microsoft Publisher, 8. Speed Typing,
9. Internet & E-mail, 10. Scanning
• Computerised Graphics (10 Packages)
1. Introduction to computers, 2. Microsoft Windows, 3. Microsoft Word, 4. Microsoft Excel,
5. Microsoft Powerpoint, 6. Microsoft Access, 7. CorelDraw, 8. PhotoShop,
9. Internet & E-mail, 10. Scanning
• Computerised Operator (10 Packages)
1. Introduction to computers, 2. Microsoft Windows, 3. Microsoft Word, 4. Microsoft Excel,
5. Microsoft Powerpoint, 6. Microsoft Access, 7. Microsoft Publisher, 8. PageMaker,
9. Internet & E-mail, 10. Scanning
• Computer Web Design (HTML, Ms Frontpage, DreamWeaver)
• Computer Programming (Visual Basic, JAVA, Ms Access)
• DeskTop Publishing-DTP (CorelDraw, Ms Publisher, PageMaker)
All Computer classes starts every monday for new students