List of Courses offered at Meru Technical Training Institute
The Meru Technical Training Institute (MTTI) list of courses/programmes Offered Undergraduate, Diploma and Certificate, Masters, PhD courses as listed below.
All candidates that have an interest in studying in the college are to take note is these courses:
Here is a list of courses or programmes offered at Meru Technical Training Institute
List of Courses/Programmes Offered at Meru Technical Training Institute (MTTI)
Diploma in Information Communication Technology
(Module 1) |
KCSE Mean Grade C-(Minus) & above with atleast D+ in Maths or Physics | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Information Communication Technology
(Module 1) |
KCSE Mean Grade D+ (plus) & above with atleast D (plain) in Maths or Physics. | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
CISCO International Certification (IT Essentials & CCNA) | KCSE Mean grade C-(Minus) | Part-time | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Agriculture (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C-(Minus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Agriculture (Top-up) | KCSE Mean Grade D+(Plus) & above | 5 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Business Management (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Supply Chain Management (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Human Resource Management (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Sales & Marketing (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Computerized Secretarial Studies (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Social Work & Community Development (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Accountancy | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 6 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Co-operative Management | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 6 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Sales & Marketing (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade D (plain) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management | KCSE Mean Grade D (plain) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Supplies Chain Management (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade D (plain) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Business Management (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade D (plain) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Social Work & Community Development | KCSE Mean Grade D (plain) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Co-operative Management | KCSE Mean Grade D (plain) & above | 6 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Computerized Secretarial Studies (Single & Group) | KCSE Mean Grade D (plain) & above | 2 Years Stage 1-3 | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Power Option) (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above with atleast D+(plus) in Maths & Physics/Chemistry | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Power Option) (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade D+ (plus) & above with atleast D (plain) in Maths & Physics/Chemistry. | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option) Module 1 | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above with atleast D+(plus) in Maths & Physics/Chemistry | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Automotive Technology (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade D+ (plus) & above with atleast D (plain) in Maths & Physics/Chemistry. | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Plant Option) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above with atleast D+(plus) in Maths & Physics/Chemistry | 7 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Building Technology (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above with atleast D+(plus) in Maths & Physics/Chemistry | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Civil Engineering (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above with atleast D+(plus) in Maths & Physics/Chemistry | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Plumbing (Top-up) | KCSE Mean Grade D+(plus) & above | 5 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Masonry (Top-up) | KCSE Mean Grade D+(plus) & above | 5 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Applied Biology (Top-up) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 7 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Analytical Chemistry | KCSE Mean Grade C (plain) and above with atleast C (plain) in Chemistry | 7 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Clothing Technology | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 7 Terms | KNEC | |||
Diploma in Food & Beverage (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade C- (minus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Food & Beverage (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade D+ (plus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Certificate in Fashion Design (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade D+ (plus) & above | 3 Terms | KNEC | |||
Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology (Top-up) | KCSE Mean Grade D+(plus)& above | 5 Terms | KNEC | |||
Craft Certificate in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Power Option) (Module 1) | KCSE Mean Grade D+ (plus) & above with atleast D (plain) in Maths & Physics/Chemistry. | 3 Terms | KNEC |
Courses Offered
1. Craft in Electrical Installation (KNEC)
2. Craft in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (KNEC)
3. Diploma in Electrical & Electronics (KNEC)
4. Craft in Craft in Science Laboratory Technology (KNEC)
5. Diploma in Diploma in Applied Biology (KNEC)
6. Diploma in Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (KNEC)
7. Diploma in Diploma in Clothing Technology (KNEC)
8. Diploma in Diploma in Food& Beverage (KNEC)
9. Craft in Craft in Fashion Design (KNEC)
10. Craft in Craft in Food & beverage (KNEC)
11. Diploma in Diploma in Environmental Science & Technology (KNEC)
12. Craft in Craft In Automotive Engineering (KNEC)
13. Diploma in Diploma In Automotive Engineering (KNEC)
14. Diploma in Diploma In Plant Engineering (KNEC)
15. Diploma in Diploma In Plant Engineering (KNEC)
16. Diploma in Agriculture (TEP) (KNEC)
17. Craft in General Agriculture(TEP) (KNEC)
18. Diploma in Civil Engineering (KNEC)
19. Diploma in Building Technology (KNEC)
20. Craft in Masonry (KNEC)
21. Craft in Plumbing (KNEC)
22. Artisans in Masonry (KNEC)
23. Artisan in Plumbing (KNEC)
24. Diploma in Diploma in Business Management (KNEC)
25. Diploma in Diploma in Supply Chain Management (KNEC)
26. Diploma in Diploma in Human Resource Management (KNEC)
27. Diploma in Diploma in Secretarial Studies (KNEC)
28. Diploma in Diploma in Sales & Marketing (KNEC)
29. Diploma in Diploma in Social Work (KNEC)
30. Diploma in Diploma in Accountancy (KNEC)
31. Diploma in Diploma in Cooperative Management (KNEC)
32. Craft in Craft in Business Management (KNEC)
33. Craft in Craft in Supply Chain Management (KNEC)
34. Craft in Craft in Human Resource Management (KNEC)
35. Craft in Craft in Sales & Marketing (KNEC)
36. Craft in Craft in Secretarial Studies (KNEC)
37. Craft in Craft in Sales & Marketing (KNEC)
38. Craft in Craft in Social Work (KNEC)
39. Craft in Craft in Cooperative Management (KNEC)
40. Craft in Single & Group Craft – Stage I (KNEC)
41. Craft in Single & Group Craft – Stage II (KNEC)
42. Craft in Single & Group Craft – Stage III (KNEC)
43. Diploma in Information Communication Technology (KNEC)
44. Craft in Information Communication Technology (KNEC)
45. Diploma in Accounting Technician I (KASNEB)
46. Diploma in Accounting Technician II (KASNEB)
47. Diploma in Accounting Technician III (KASNEB)
48. Professional in Certified Public Accountant I (KASNEB)
49. Professional in Certified Public Accountant II (KASNEB)
50. Professional in Certified Public Accountant III(KASNEB)
can i get a chance in this institution…
I got A D- in KCSE 2019 can i get an artisan course…of electrical
A good school where I can study